" The ongoing objective of this paratheatrical medium is to discover individual movements and group rituals for triggering miraculous interactions. They are miraculous whenever they invoke (by sound & word) or evoke (by feeling & motion) strong spiritual and visceral resonances that [~] with enough commitment [~] erupt in spontaneous gestures, movements, patterns of motion, sounds, vocal creations, characterizations, and stories to be shared with others. One way of looking at the miraculous is through the prism of a certain kind of double vision. Imagine an overlay of vertical and horizontal sources, or planes of existence; vertical and horizontal. Picture vertical as the invisible sources of energy innate to soul, ancestral karma, dreambody, archetypes, planetary consciousness. Horizontal sources and energies refer to visible manifestations of our interactions with others, society, political realities, and the out-there world at large. Vertical is up, down and within; horizontal, out there around and across. This is no hard, fast rule but my attempt at framing a certain outlook of double vision."(Principles, Techniques & Philosophy Of a Ritual Technology for Self-initiation by Antero Alli)
:: note :: . . . ritual & theater . . . what is that wish to create theater . . . what is that need to connect to ritual . . . the collision of vertical&horizontal . . .
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