Arno Schmidt's 90th
Zettels Traum
:: note :: . . . so it was that many years past AMOK (Arbeitsgruppe fur Motorische Kommunication) lay at Schmidt's Traum . . . the textual voyage transformed into an associative pilgrimage . . .
Zettels Traum
"Schmidt's merger of various disciplines through poetic representation must be seen within the larger context of his encyclopedic project labeled "Großn Dichtungn" (ZT 1047), which seeks to reconstruct and weld together knowledge buried in memory. The textual voyage into various disciplines, literary texts, or political events, as well as the bringing forth of historical and philosophical junctures, reinforces Schmidt's goal "[a]lles, was je schrieb, in Liebe und Haß, als immerfort mitlebend zu behandeln" (BA II:2:142). As a polyglot historian in search of a storage room of information and who defines himself through his "sündhafte Belesenheit" (ZT 269), Schmidt valorizes the dictum expressed by Schweighäuser in Die Schule der Atheisten, "man kànn gar nich [hungarian umlaut]mit WissnsStoff überladn-- sein" (SdA 191)."(Watching TV with Arno Schmidt | Volker Langbehn ©)
:: note :: . . . so it was that many years past AMOK (Arbeitsgruppe fur Motorische Kommunication) lay at Schmidt's Traum . . . the textual voyage transformed into an associative pilgrimage . . .
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