Sebastian Fiedler in Seblogging shares metalogues from "Steps to an ecology of mind" by Gregory Bateson . . .
Filled up with fog: Daddy, why don't you use the other three-quarters of your brain?

Throwing stones at it: This is another great paragraph from Gregory Bateson's metalogue "How much do you know?"

:: note :: . . . delightful . . . throwing stones in the fog . . . feels like what i do to the screen . . . sometimes windows get smashed . . . sometimes just a ricochet off the wall . . . you can tell by the sound . . . how to respond/react . . . hope the metalogues keep coming or I'll be forced to find a copy of "Steps . ." or better yet get others to write some . . . that's how I know I love being an educator . . . first impulse - how to generate others to create what I love (beyond the imaginable) . . . transformative rather than or maybe along with doing it myself . . . dangerous but fun . . . like paper shields


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