Little Red Riding Hood Uncloaked : Maria Tatar, professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures at Harvard University, and author of "The Annotated Classic Fairy Tales" & Catherine Orenstein, author of "Little Red Riding Hood Uncloaked" (the connection : npr )
:: note :: . . . need this blink for a forth coming project . . . it bothers me all the linkrot . . . check through just last years binks and find so many dead . . . google is great and a help . . . still what is the life expectancy of a link . . . i'm gulity . . . watching my radio site slowly deconstruct . . . lots of little bugs i don't know how to fix . . . oh well decomposition nurtures new growth . . .
:: note :: . . . need this blink for a forth coming project . . . it bothers me all the linkrot . . . check through just last years binks and find so many dead . . . google is great and a help . . . still what is the life expectancy of a link . . . i'm gulity . . . watching my radio site slowly deconstruct . . . lots of little bugs i don't know how to fix . . . oh well decomposition nurtures new growth . . .
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