
(picture: Child and Seeing Hands - Hans Bellmer, c. 1950)
. . . The life-as-art metaphor can parse two different ways. It can suggest immersion in process, or it can suggest the display of a finished product to an audience in order to garner applause. Life-as-arters always pretend they mean the first, but they're always enmeshed in the second. Those who really want to get their lives unmeshed generally find another metaphor for expressing their desire. . . ."(Turbulent Velvet) "
. . . Of course, I thought, you can have all of my support. If you needed me to give you my skin, my lungs, my heart, to hand you the keys to my life, all of it. Whatever angels call you, go! Godspeed, Gregory Ford! I believe in nothing in heaven, but on earth, in this parking lot, I have faith in you." ( Ford)
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