Yann Martel

SASKATOON - Booker Prize-winning author Yann Martel is heading to Saskatoon to be the writer in residence at the Saskatoon Public Library. . . . "He's so looking forward to being in Saskatoon," Martel's publicist Sharon Klein told the Saskatoon StarPhoenix. "It's going to be very nice for him to stay put in a great city in Canada where he hasn't lived before."

"I've really been intrigued by those big skies -- those big, big skies, those brooding landscapes. (Saskatoon Star Phoenix)

:: comment :: . . . never heard of anyone who doesn't live in Saskatoon describe it as a great city . . . welcome . . . maybe a great place to write . . . sure want my students to talk to him about the accusations of plagiarism . . . how an artist handles such charges & what lingering impact such statements have on future writings . . .


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