TheaterWork 2

Session 1: Sunday, April 6, 2003
Focus - moving towards character
Beginning with voice & element:
(Rod the stick)(AeRan the silver jug) Each works alone establishing body/voice connetion towards character.
Text: The Epic of Kotan Utannai from (Songs of Gods, sons of Humans - Donald L. Philippi)

Session 2: Tuesday April 8, 2003
Focus - meeting in voice
Each rolls towards object establishing vibration & entering voice
Full sustained voice & many meetings

Session 3: Friday April 11,2003
Focus - finding the meeting Physical energy exchange & contact exercises.
Character meets non-character(shape shifter)

Session 4: Wednesday April 23,2003
Focus - establishing contact Full physical contact/ no voice

Session 5: Thursday April 24,2003
Focus - Text Work Full open vibration to working with obstacle and moving into text with meeting. Poetic Narrative emerges:

just beneath the surface
voicing past darkened songs
the ancient dust and ashes sister
broken waits whatever comes
brother listening the skyward way
brought to his knees
by earthly whispers
like an archeologist brushes aside
depths of anger and despair
seeking what hasn't happened to happen
tenderness reveals
mercy fragmented utterances
parsed into
blind and deformed invisible hand witness
the warrior shock breath
stillborn turns

Session 6: Saturday April 26,2003
Focus - Bringing objects to character meeting Text, chararacter, physical memory, contact & all the enviroment of the past work.



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