
... was most impressed with the community work/play of KsambDance troupe ... witnessed their summer presentation To The Heart ... 

... checked out their video Be Lonley - a response to "Covid news spread and restrictions became increasingly strident, KSAMB Dance Company thought, WE MUST KEEP DANCING!" ... 

... they reached out inviting my participation on one of their regularly scheduled Wild Card Movement Friday gatherings at Saskatoon City Hall Square ... witnessed their October 30th special edition, with video projections and audio by Miki and Nicole ... 

...replied "Wonderful work! All elements: sheets, light, projections, sound and playing with space. The elements, especially the gentle wind conspired to create a flowing free like comfortable disturbance of shadows, cocoons, wings, inner-outer spirits and wrappings of careful protection to struggles and strangulations. Fleeting surfaces capturing airy memory places ... nice “collaborateurs” ... my question is does the group really desire to add voice?" ...
... turned out the group was interested in exploring voice & found myself guiding a body-voice session ... i had fun ... it was surprising a dance group giving of themselves to voice work ... here was the announcement:
Friday, November 6 In collaboration with RAYMON MONTALBETTI! Raymon is an educator dedicated to making the impossible possible. Actor, director, and artistic director of AmoK Theatre Lab Vienna, Austria (1972 -1980.) Participant at Grotowski’s “University of Research” in Wroclaw, Poland. Raymon is known and appreciated for his radical teaching at E.D. Feehan and at the U of S. 
"In everyday life, "if" is a fiction, in the theatre "if" is an experiment. In everyday life, "if" is an evasion, in the theatre "if" is the truth. When we are persuaded to believe in this truth then the theatre and life are one ... when we experience the work as play, then it is not work anymore. A play is play.” ― Peter Brook ​

::Note:: ... find them to be a courageous group ... not to sure about my 'radical' teaching ...

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