course 2
Expressive Movement IV: The
way towards a personal movement training.
Investigating creative potentialities through a rigorous confrontation
with the elements of an actors movement/action.
Aspects of inquiry:
Centering, grounding, body mapping, rhythm and flow
- Space
awareness devoted to: taking care and reacting to the space, spatial balancing, creating partnership with the space, in
the space with an object.
Pre-creative potentialities of movement.
Plastiques and Corporals
(Jerzy Grotowski and the Teatr Laboratorium)
Relations between precision and organicity.
Associations: the impulses / the vigilant mind.
Associations within a structure.
- Gesture
(Michael Chekov)
Methodologies: theory and performance praxis
Dancingness: Aliveness, presence and encounter
- Reveal,
activate and transform
/ 40
/ 60
Individual / 20
Keep a
detailed journal/log of class experiences. The log will include a research section and a practical
exploration of the concepts of Joseph Chaikin: 'space', 'place', territory',
'zone', 'sphere', 'abandonment', 'exile', 'occupation' and 'habitation'
2. Partner Object / 20
inspiration from different types of iconography which affect physicality. Through an intense improvisational journey create a dancingness with partner.
3. Group / 20
Create a group session to reflect on the terms investigations
:: Note :: ... courses are pretty much the same as both groups are experiencing new work ...
:: Note :: ... courses are pretty much the same as both groups are experiencing new work ...