after anti-acting

"After Stanislavsky, acting was changed; after Meyerhold, directing; after Brecht, playwriting. But after Grotowski?" - Richard Schechner

Life is acting. Do we understand that? Do we want to understand that.

But what, in us, questions life is acting? What disputes that, despite everything?

That we think thought is life. The most important thing is that our experiences reveal we are acting all the time. That when we feel we do not act we do not live. That we want nothing more than to live.

We act. But we do not know that we act. We do not live. But we do not know that we do not live.

Actors train to act. Actors keep the life of wanting to act. Of wanting to be in the living action.

But how do we act? And why do we care about acting?

Somehow, we have a real relationship to questions on acting, of living. Somehow, those questions mean something to all of us.

We do not know what acting means.We experience not acting but the impossibility of acting. Not living, but the impossibility of living. We experience acting in the possibility of the experience of the impossibility of the living action. Not living, but the impossibility of the experience of the impossibility of non living. 

:: Note :: ... what is that ...

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