AeRan & Stan
Panel “Art and Archaeology”
Chair and discussant – Denis Samsonov (St. Petersburg State University)
1. Steven CHUNG (Princeton University): Cinema, Nationality, Archive
2. JEONG Ae Ran (Université Paris): Performance aesthetic and identity issues of Kumgangsan Gagukdan (금강산가극단), a professional arts troupe founded by Koreans in Japan
3. Nelly Georgieva-Russ (Academy of Korean Studies): Paintings of Immortals from the Mid-Chosŏn Period: An Album by Cho Sae-gŏl (1636-1706)
4. Maya STILLER (UCLA): "Masterpieces of Korean art" - A critical analysis of collecting and exhibiting Korean culture in Germany
:: Note :: ... AeRan in Moscow ... presenting at the 2011 AKSE conference at the Moscow State University Institute of Asian and African Studies June 17 - 20 ... there she found a monument to Stanislavski ... she claimed she was wanting to touch his precious hand ... i see her trying to pick his pocket ... she is simply amazing in her dedication & drive ... i am in awe ...