Who will
Spent a few hours after teaching driving voters to their polling stations. A little bit of field work, I thought. The poverty was startling. Run-down apartment blocks, small dilapidated houses, streets dirty and pot-holed.
A single mother with four little ones leaving the oldest in charge bringing her nineteen year old to vote for the first time. They knew the party leader they wanted to vote for but not the name of the riding representative. They resided on a busy, noisy thoroughfare and when asked if it was loud replied yes it was a difficult place to live.
A talkative thirty something, labored breathing, living with his working girl friend collecting disability insurance after two bouts in the hospital dealing with lung cancer. Fighting to get re-trained, unable to pay for his drugs and therapy wondering how to survive.
Another thirty something coming out of a single room home with ten people crowded around a TV. He's the only one in possession of proper ID to vote. The next door neighbor kids ask what we're doing and learning about an election ask, "Can kids vote?"
Approached over ten people offering rides to their polling station if they wished. All of them declined. One stated, "I'll watch the winner on TV."
Got home and a bicycle rider cuts through my path asking for some spare change.
It was a disheartening experience especially later that night to witness a parade of clean cut talking heads in suits.
On twitter two former students tweet. One unable to hold back tears of joy on the historical election of a Green Party member. The other a wonderful cutting if not cynical observation about the future.
For the next 4-5 years, probably not a good idea to get sick, lose yr job, get old, or have a vagina.
Yes, who will speak for the disenfranchised.
:: Note :: ... We all live together barely moving out of our little "worlds" ...
A single mother with four little ones leaving the oldest in charge bringing her nineteen year old to vote for the first time. They knew the party leader they wanted to vote for but not the name of the riding representative. They resided on a busy, noisy thoroughfare and when asked if it was loud replied yes it was a difficult place to live.
Another thirty something coming out of a single room home with ten people crowded around a TV. He's the only one in possession of proper ID to vote. The next door neighbor kids ask what we're doing and learning about an election ask, "Can kids vote?"
Approached over ten people offering rides to their polling station if they wished. All of them declined. One stated, "I'll watch the winner on TV."
Got home and a bicycle rider cuts through my path asking for some spare change.
It was a disheartening experience especially later that night to witness a parade of clean cut talking heads in suits.
On twitter two former students tweet. One unable to hold back tears of joy on the historical election of a Green Party member. The other a wonderful cutting if not cynical observation about the future.
For the next 4-5 years, probably not a good idea to get sick, lose yr job, get old, or have a vagina.
Yes, who will speak for the disenfranchised.
:: Note :: ... We all live together barely moving out of our little "worlds" ...