Skit Skit III
Skit Skit III (if you will) at Persephone Theatre's Backstage Stage December 2 - 5 created intense excitement for their March shows (for me at least) ...
"Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own"--Jonathan Swift... not this company their cup runneth over as they ridicule their own foolishness with a disarming blend of humour, wit, nonsense, criticism, as well as some didactic intentions ... visit Facebook page to view some of the video clips: Mr. Groove, Tanorexia, School of Acting & more ...
... sketch comedy may sometimes be uneven ... not Skit Skit III ... the troupe (Ashton Francis, Tara Schoonbaert, Kristen Holfeuer, Ed Machete Mendez, Ashley Turner, Brent Mhic Pharthalain) tackles material with authority and a confidence that comes from experience and fearlessness ... to take time, endless time crossing the full length of the stage with gums flapping and crutch twitching or the sudden appearance of smashing Hulk (again and again) is a testament to brilliant pacing allowing us to simply enjoy the ride of vice & folly ...
... who needs New York Saturday Night Live ... add a celebrity Host: Henry Woolf and local musical guest: soso/Troy Gronsdahl & we have SasKatoon SKitSKit that easily challenges the rest of the best ...
... don't miss them both epic in scale and yet intimate in feel ...
- See: Review Theatre
:: note :: ... fyi: check the Twitter Hulks ...