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Set in India against the backdrop of Mahatma Gandhi's rise to power, Lotus follows the life of a young girl Chulia, a child-bride, who is abandoned at a widow's ashram. There she is forced to live out a life of penitence until death.

Unwilling to accept her fate, Chulia becomes a catalyst for change in the lives of the widows. When her friend and confident, the beautiful Chendra falls in love with a young, upper class Gandhian idealist, the forbidden love boldly defies Hindu tradition and threatens to undermine the delicate balance of power within the social caste system of India.

Lotus offers an examination of the lives of widows and Indian culture in colonial India but is ultimately a lyrical story of love, faith and redemption. The flower Lotus is symbolic of spiritual attainment and the flowering of human potential. We invite you to this poetic drama full of the colour, music and dance of traditional India. The sun and the moon will take you on a complex journey into the transformative power of love.

"Live simply so others may simply live." - Mahatma Gandhi

- See: Theater

:: note :: ... the students worked on a long, complex journey arriving at a depth of understanding ... a beautiful meditation of story, song & dance ...


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