"REPETITION AND IMPROVISATION: A practical dialogue with Zygmunt Molik" / 14th ISTA (International School of Theatre Anthropology: IMPROVISATION - Memory, repetition, discontinuity

:: note :: . . . on the question of the source for Apocalypsis Cum Figuris Molik described a 'crazy dance' by Ryzard Cieslak that was identified by all the actors as something - life . . . life doesn't come easily . . . preparation is required . . . a careful study where forcing falsly to find 'something' results in nothing . . . three weeks of nothing gave birth to the movements of the Simpleton and what followed has become an accepted masterpiece of 20th Century theater . . . Molik commented that the ensemble composed . . . the word improvisation was not used . . .

:: note :: . . . after much discussion we sought some conditions for improvisation . . . improvisation needs preparation a state of readiness . . . the participant seeks to be open, attentive & knowing . . . the challenge/obstacle/point of concentration is a place within the boundary of each individual . . .


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