" To "disappear," the actor must undergo a rigorous training that Oida describes in minute detail. Actors must be thorough, disciplined, hard working, and self learning. "When I speak about self-learning'" he says, "I am not talking about an intellectual program of training, rather a general openness and willingness to move onwards. It is responsiveness, not rigidity." Openness is the key to understanding one's inner and outer life, one's physical and mental apparatus; openness is committing oneself to learning and struggling with the complicated techniques needed to become "invisible.""(CROYDEN'S CORNER by Margaret Croyden BOOK REVIEW: "THE INVISIBLE ACTOR" BY YOSHI OIDA with Lorna Marshall (Mentheun) Foreward by Peter Brook)

:: note :: . . . need to explore much more about openness . . .


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