"In a business notorious for destroying newcomers, Marla Rubin seems to have been blessed with good fortune.Her first-ever venture as a theatrical producer, a stage adaptation of the Danish film Festen, opened three weeks ago at the Almeida Theatre and is already a sold-out hit, soon on its way to London's West End."(Globe&Mail.com | Entertainment | Canadian teaches old Dogme new tricks)
"The payoff wasn't important when Maddin started filming his strange, delirious movies on weekends and showing them to friends. That was two decades ago, before he started winning awards, before critics hailed him as a savant and long before a production company risked $3.5-million on Saddest Music, which opens across North America this month. Some critics have called Saddest Music a masterpiece. 'It's set in the Depression,'wrote the Globe's Johanna Schneller of Saddest Music, 'but it's attitude is pure 21st century: a mix of irony, sincerity, melodrama and humour that's as intoxicating as the beer in the glass legs of Isabella Rossellini's character.'"(Globe&Mail.com | Entertainment | It's a mad, mad, Maddin world)
:: note :: . . . wonder who will here about in ten years . . . the making of an artist . . .
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