Didn't have to dream to be visited by ghosts . . .
Demons haunt whether wide awake, asleep,
unconscious or terribly aware . . .
Apparitions knaw at the sides of memories . . .
Spit and shout at traces with angry mutterings
in broad daylight . . .

Don't see spectres?

It takes training to keep phantoms alive . . .
Rage dream . . .
The culture of bruising breaking the will . . .
Compelling ancient & modern pummelling . . .
Spook pugilism in one minute nineteen seconds . . .
Blood and gore . . .


See it in the eyes . . .
Raw rhythms of destruction and war . . .
Elemental, visceral drama experienced at the illegal edge of death . . .
Alive unravelling outlaw perception . . .
Face bleeding mortality.

Caught me cold.

Seeing the black light.


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