"The arts are important, we are told, not just for our inner lives but for the positive effects they have on education, on the economy and on the future of the region. But do arts leaders really have a place at the table among the power players in Hartford?"
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"Fay: We took our 15-year-old sons to see "TopDog/Underdog," and it's one of their favorite plays. We were thrilled that our boys had a chance to see that show, which we saw with them and had an opportunity to discuss the depths of that play with them. To me, that's the kind of thing that shapes an artistic appreciation in young people, in all of us. For me, that's where the conversation should reside. I'm making a point. I wish we were not so consumed with operational stability. So when we get money, we could put it behind some great vision. I think when you have that great artistic success, people's lives can be changed by it, moments in history stand still. I can reel off a half a dozen in my own experience. Those are the moments that make people really committed to the arts."(CTnow.com: Arts And The City's Future A Roundtable Discussion On Vision, Money, Attracting Audiences And Taking Risks)
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