". . . the links that constitute your blog and blogging. What this weaves a community which is not community as people, but an emergent semantic or epistemological community, people are sort of attached there, bit like avatars, but this link economy has its own forces and logics and it isn't really about community as social agency, but community as information nodes meeting up. People are just the vehicle these information nodes exploit."(vog blog::vlog 2.0)
"I believe that blogging is not about personal publishing. It's about finding your identity in conversations with others. Blogging tools are not mature yet and for an occasional reader it's difficult to see the roots of blogging dialogues. I hope that this collection of links can help you to trace conversations that feed my thought and writing."(Mathemagenic sidebar)
:: comment :: . . . prefer the ecosystem over avatar . . . prefer . . .
"1. Keep a Research Diary 2. Maintain an Electronic Bibliography 3. Know Your Search Engines 4. An Archiving System for Useful Info 5. Learn The Composition of your Research Community 6. Document Useful Learning Experiences 7. Keep a Professional Home Page 8. Maintain an Updated CV 9. Get Involved Early On 10. Develop Research Meta-awareness" (via Mathemagenic /originally Idris' post
"trust themselves(yourself) and get to work on what you think is important . . . Do NOT wait . . . be loose with your independent project classes. If you find you want to do something different than what you wrote up, then do it . . ."(Lex's Add-ons to Idris' Post)
"Smoke and Candles -This image was taken in Rokuhara Chinkouji temple during Obon. The ethereal form in the top half of the image is actually a person wearing a white shirt walking by. The exposure time was about 4 seconds."(The Foreigner in Japan:THE PLAY OF LIGHT - Kyoto at Night a photo essay by David Culton)
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