Plato said the human soul is composed of reason, will and desire. Throughout all my experiences in theatre-making it has been the ensemble which is the backbone of the process & paradoxically the most neglected and unrecognized aspect of the "work". In my mid-twenties in Vienna, as a member of AMoK, Zbigniew Cynkutis , founding member of the now legendary Jerzy Grotowski’s Laboratory Theatre , chastised us in broken english, "You don't know your places. Listen to each other. Acknowledge each others role within the group and you will be more creatively strong." These thoughts surfaced reflecting on the latest incarnation of Skit Skit following their seventh show Skit Skit Unplugged . They are a sketch comedy ensemble working together now for four years and for this show were five: 1. Big, brash, bold & egocentric, 2. Lively, fun, relaxed & selfless, 3. Studied, sharp, smart & driven, 4. Intense, fall guy, outsider & ...