
Showing posts from January, 2011


Now here Layers of time One Close your eyes We are Korea Traveling Where the Sky, clouds, earth See Sky calling clouds Clouds called earth Lightning Their voicings Thunder the rhythm Mystery Tonight nourish Unfold distant language Secrets Here rings Vibrations of Korea - See: Personal :: note :: ... AeRan performs today in Paris with Olsou: The Korean Drumming Association ... it is their 5th annual concert ... the words are my own transliteration of their program notes ... drumming voices her spirit & I wish her and her company great joy ...

Tales for Little Ones

The Drama 20/30 Class presented Tales from the World to Day Care children as their final project. They all made masks and at the end of the presentation each child who attended was given a mask which they treasured. The presentation involved many stories, dance and song. Chantal wrote Kira and the Elves . Barinidum and Louise sang. The Raven Story a story handed down by the Tsimshian tribe, The Spider and the Honey Tree from a West African collection of three stories titled Deep in the Bush Where People Rarely Ever Go and an original story by Amy Lafontaine  Wesuhkechuhk and the Mouse were then shared as Brydon danced in between the stories. The last tale, The Bear who lost his Cave was written collectively by the whole class ending the presentation singing and dancing to The Lion Sleeps Tonight . A magical spirit filled the theatre when the children attended and as a class we felt the power of imagination. A truly rewarding experience. Read an appreciative thank you note from a f...


a day after departure found words a shimmer welled up from beneath not everything is saved from mistaken erasure and loss deep are the breathes that linger making absence "han" present recollections are not necessary I watch the snow fall gentle we dream our story - See: Personal Poetry :: note :: ... over the holiday season the Temple was broken into ... lots lost ... I even erased material I wanted to keep ... loss and erasure ...

The Lottery 2010

The Drama 10 Class finished the Term with three powerful performances of a Brainerd Duffield adaptation of Shirley Jackson's short story  The Lottery . Their presentation stimulated much discussion and many thanks to all the classes who came. View Gallery - See: Plays Teens :: note :: ... the 2010 version fit the group like a glove challenging each student ... thanks for your work ...