
Showing posts from June, 2009

métis nation

John Ralston Saul makes the declaration we are a "métis nation" pointing as much to national identity as to a roadmap for our future. CBC Radio rebroadcast (originally aired in April '09) the 2009 UBC-Laurier Institution Multiculturalism Lecture The Aboriginal Peoples and New Canadians: The Missing Conversation (available for four weeks as July 13 podcast ). His coterie: "It's crucial that all Canadians cultivate an understanding of our Aboriginal heritage, and the role Aboriginal people played in the development of Canada," says Beverly Sabourin, Vice Provost (Aboriginal Initiatives) at Lakehead University. "Understanding our common history and our respective roles will help guide us into the future, allowing all of us to collaborate in building a "fair country." ( Lakehead U Talk ) "In one of the strongest and most convincing passages in the book, he argues that the 'single greatest failure of the Canadian experiment, so far, has...


Puzzles within puzzles. Last days to first ... look for a completely different thought somewhere in another time which passes between neither in ending or beginning ... see the connections ... an encounter with a word, a gesture ... a cut-up, a collecting, a re-start, getting on the wavelength ... - See: Terms :: note :: ... the village idiot/grasshopper/pilgim has spoken ...

Shakespeare & Moliere

End of term high school student projects culminate with successful presentations. A filleted (25 minute version) of Shakespeare's MacBeth & a student translation of The Farce of Patelin by Moliere . We study the action of Shakespeare & the origins of Moliere. A great deal of independent work. Commedia masks, swords, props, costumes, light & sound with simple set allow for the exploration of image in time & space. The basement & the stage both used as rehearsed at the same time. End of year stress resolves into creative energy and a concentrated effort. - See: theater :: note :: ... congrats to all & wishing a wonderful summer ...