Visa Denied

Members of Iranian Troupe Are Refused Entry by U.S. By Celestine Bohlen.. The Lincoln Center Festival has reduced the number of shows of a musical drama from Iran, after 10 members of the Iranian troupe were denied visas to enter the United States.
Eileen McMahon, the spokeswoman for the festival, said the 10 performers were refused visas at the United States Consulate in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, because they were deemed at risk of becoming economic refugees. The other actors in the troupe were given initial clearance, having proved that they are not likely to stay on past the expiration of their visas, but they are now awaiting a security check, Ms. McMahon said. [New York Times: Arts ]

:: comment :: . . . it never ends . . . two years ago, having established an international & independent company composed of canadian, russian & american musician/actors . . . working on the wonderful story of gilgamesh . . . after performances in canada were invited to san francisco . . . the russian actress following months of negotation was denied entrance . . . the performance dates passed . . . the opportunity to continue the international acting research dissolved . . . ah yes . . . the great land of the free . . . protect yourself from the dangerous poor and the dangerous imaginative . . . borders, bureaucratism & bitterness . . . ah christ let it go . . . Art and Belief at Visible Darkness . . . read, digest, listen & live . . . live beyond borders . . . thanks to the light in the darkness everyday . . . ( you're missed when you take a vacation but hope it was what you needed) . . .

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